Getting Started
Read our buying guide here
An NFT is a digital asset that represents real-world objects like art, music, in-game items and videos. They are bought and sold online, frequently with cryptocurrency.
An NFT allows the buyer to own the original digital item and it contains built-in authentication, which serves as proof of ownership.
NFTs are Non-Fungible Tokens. In other words, they cannot be divided like a fungible token, such as a dollar or a bitcoin. This way, NFTs can never be changed or altered once created, guaranteeing that you always have the same thing you have acquired. Combined with blockchain technology, you maintain COMPLETE control of your NFTs, and are tradable on the secondary market as you see fit.
NFTs have gone mainstream. Many brands such as NBA, MLB, Funko Pop, Garbage Pail Kids, Streetfighter, Deadmau5, William Shatner, Atari and Bratz have NFT collections.
NFTs can be bought / sold / traded on various markets. As we work on the WAX blockchain, the primary market for NFTs is Atomic Hub.
WAX is a cryptocurrency used for buying / selling NFTs. WAX stands for Worldwide Asset eXchange, a blockchain protocol developed specifically for NFTs. With near instant and free transactions, there’s no need to worry about rapidly inflating transaction or gas costs. Visit their website for more information.
Creating a WAX cloud wallet is easy and free. Simply register here to get started! Your WAX wallet is where your NFT collection and WAX currency is stored.
Purchase WAX securely with a credit card, bank transfer or paypal. Wax can be purchased from the following exchanges*
*Collectible Causes and its operators do not endorse or specifically recommend any of the above exchanges. They are presented in no particular order of preference either. Please use your own due diligence and research before exchanging for cryptocurrency. See our disclaimer
AtomicHub is the marketplace where you can buy, sell and trade your NFTs
Causes are local or global charitable organizations that Collectible Causes supports with a portion of the proceeds of NFT sales.
The majority of Collectible Causes revenue will be sent to the cause. Causes can be local or global, allowing you to engage in a variety of contributions around our planet. Want to know more about how the net proceeds will be distributed? See the FAQ sections for the Charity and Artist. We aim to be as transparent as possible with the contributions collected.
Our team looks for reputable charitable organizations engaged in work with social / environmental / humanitarian issues that we believe in.
Each charitable organization is thoroughly researched to ensure that the donation will have the greatest impact.
Our team strives to be as transparent as possible. Donations to charitable organizations will be made within 1 month of the launch date.
We will post the amount donated and the receipt of the donation on our website
The charitable organization will received 50% of the net proceeds of the initial NFT pack sales.
The net proceeds are determined as below:
- Net Proceeds = Gross Initial NFT Pack Sales Revenue – Production / Administrative / Advertising Costs
- 50% of the net proceeds will be donated to the charitable organization
- 25% of the net proceeds will go to the Artist
- The remaining 25% will be used to assist Collectible Causes’ future series releases and to further expand our capabilities and network. See more in the roadmap here.
Our team will make the donation to the charitable organization within 1 month of the launch date. Receipts / Proof of Donation will be posted once we receive it from the charitable organization.
That is great! and we would love to hear from you. Please send us a message with the organization name and why you think they should be our future Cause.
There are many ways you can get involved
- With the Charitable Organization
- Be sure to visit their website (link will be in our collections page) to see if there are volunteer opportunities. Alternatively, you can donate directly to the charitable organization yourself! Be sure to let us know, so we can recognize your efforts!
- With Collectible Causes
- We are always looking for talent for collaborations, paid and volunteer work.
- Please let us know if you are interested!
- Something we haven’t even thought of!
The Alberta Wilderness Associaton has been chosen as the inaugeral charity for Series 1. Learn about the great work they do here
The Charitable Organization will receive 50% of the net proceeds. Please see FAQ on Causes above for further information.
Our team strives to be as transparent as possible. Donations to charitable organizations will be made within 1 month of the launch date.
We will post the amount donated and the receipt of the donation on our website
Karen Neufeld is the artist behind the magnificent Collectible Causes Canadian Wildlife Series. She hand painted the art for the 63 of NFTs! She is a Canadian artist specializing in acrylic painting who derives her inspiration from the Rocky Mountains. Click here to read more about Karen.
Our artists will receive 25% of the net proceeds from the initial NFT pack sales.
With high resolution digital scans of the physical paintings, professionals cleaned up artifacts, while preserving the unique hand painted look of the paintings
There are 5 different types of rarity cards (most common to rarest)
- Least Concerned
- Near Threatened
- Vulnerable
- Endangered
- Extinct
All packs will contain random cards of the Least Concerned rarity.
Our launch will include 3 different packs
- Promo – 2 NFT for FREE
- Bronze – 5 NFT for $10
- Silver – 20 NFT for $30
- Gold – 50 NFT for $60
A maximum of 102060 NFTs will be minted. The final number will depend on the total sales at the completion of the launch. Quantities will also reduce as collectors burn their cards for higher rarities.
- Promo – 1030 packs
- Bronze – 4000 packs
- Silver – 2250 packs
- Gold – 700 packs
There will be a maximum of 1620 Least Concerned NFT of each of the 63 different paintings.
The rarity of the card indicates how common a particular NFT is in circulation. Our collection features 5 different card rarities. From most common to least common, they are: least concerned, near threatened, vulnerable, endangered and extinct respectively. The NFT card rarity does not reflect on the actual level of endangerment of the animal. For example, a Grizzly Bear NFT can have least concerned, near threatened, vulnerable, endangered and extinct card types.
Animal Conservation Status
Animal Conservation (Status according to Schedule 1 of Canada’s Species at Risk Act)
- Grizzly bear – Sub-populations are listed as Special Concern and Extinct
- Black Bear – not at risk
- Moose – not at risk
- Caribou – Sub-populations are listed as Special Concern, Threatened, Endangered, and Extinct
- White tailed deer – not at risk
- Wolf – Grey wolf sub-populations are listed as Not at Risk; Eastern wolf listed as Threatened
- Coyote – not at risk
- Cougar – not at risk
- Lynx – not at risk
- Mountain goat – not at risk
- Bighorn sheep – not at risk
- Bison – Wood bison, Special Concern; Plains bison, Threatened
- Beaver – not at risk
- Pika – American pika, not at risk; Collared pika, Special Concern
- Porcupine – not at risk
- Weasel – not at risk
- Mallard duck – not at risk
- Hare – not at risk
- Shrew – Gaspé shrew, not at risk; Pacific water shrew, Endangered
- Marmot – not at risk; Vancouver Island marmot, Endangered
- Red Tailed Hawk – not at risk
- Squirrel – not at risk
- Elk – not at risk
Crafting will start one (1) hour after the launch. You can craft at Nefty Blocks
You can craft at Nefty Blocks. Simply create an account, pick the NFT you want to create and start blending!
All cards in the packs will be of the Least Concerned rarity. We have designed the rarities based on the endangered status scale. To obtain cards of the next rarity, you will need to burn 3 identical cards of the previous rarity. It will result in the same card of the next rarity. For example, burning 3 identical Near Threatened cards will result in the same card, but you now have one Vulnerable Card. This means that you will need to burn 81 Least Concerned cards to obtain an Extinct rarity card.
There are 5 different types of rarity cards (most common to rarest)
- Least Concerned
- Near Threatened
- Vulnerable
- Endangered
- Extinct
This is a very unique and rare opportunity for Karen Neufeld to create a custom commission piece of art – just for you! One lucky collector will be randomly drawn to receive the custom commission
Each card type will come with entries for the draw
- Vulnerable rarity card in your inventory will get 1 (one) entry,
- Endangered rarity card will receive 5 (five) entries
- Extinct rarity card will receive 15 (fifteen) entries.
There will be one draw each week for 5 weeks following the pack launch. The winner will receive an NFT that will have instructions on how to redeem.
Each account can only win once, regardless of the number of entries. Non winning entries will carry over to the following week’s draw, so long as you remain a holder of the vulnerable, endangered or extinct rarity card at the time of the draw.
If you are the first person to craft a #1 Extinct Rarity Card, you may choose to burn your NFT to receive the physical painting card, signed by Karen Neufeld! (shipping included).
Please contact us or message @Moderator or @Admin on discord before you burn your card.
You will have 1 year from the time of the pack launch to claim your physical painting if you have a #1 Extinct NFT.
Unclaimed cards will be auctioned and 100% of the net proceeds will be donated to the charitable organization.
You can still purchase packs and the NFT cards on the secondary market at Atomic Hub.
Be sure to join our mailing list and discord so you don’t miss out on future drops!
See the disclaimer and terms and conditions here
See the privacy policy here